Page 4 - Roi_Kultti-kotouttamisohjelma_inEnglish
P. 4

   Diversity is richness

   1.1. Rovaniemi is an international city
   with a vibrant cultural life

   Cultural life binds individuals                              the operation of a customer panel consisting of
   together into a community                                    immigrants and draw up the plans for the cultural
                                                                sector integration programme with action proposals.
   Cultural life refers to the things that people in the local  The project started on 1 June 2013 and ends on 31 May
   community do together to entertain themselves, enjoy         2014. The project was funded by the European Social
   each other’s company and study the different aspects         Fund and the Centre for Economic Development,
   of life. Culture binds the members of a community            Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre) for
   together, creates expression, transmits experiences and      Lapland, as well as the City of Rovaniemi. Riikka
   makes life meaningful. Rovaniemi sees that cultural          Vuorenmaa, Project Coordinator, and Sintija Dutka,
   life has great meaning for new inhabitants putting           Expert by Experience, worked part time for the project.
   down roots in the area.
                                                                Culture is present at every stage of
      The population of Rovaniemi is increasing,                putting down roots in the area
   which is due to immigration, among other things.
   Higher education institutions, tourism and product           The goal of the cultural sector integration program is
   development bring people from all over the world             a Rovaniemi which is a vibrant community and which
   into the city. Rovaniemi has received and integrated         receives its new members actively and introduces
   refugees as a long-term process. For the cultural life of    them to the area. People who have moved to
   the city, diversity is richness. The Rovaniemi cultural      Rovaniemi are welcome, they can become a part of the
   sector integration programme (the Programme further          community effortlessly, and they feel that they are its
   in text) presents ways of fulfilling the special needs of    equal members. New inhabitants of the municipality
   the inclusion and cultural services of the immigrant         participate in the community functions from the
   population.                                                  start. The programme supports the maintenance
                                                                of cultural diversity in Rovaniemi and its natural
      The goal of the Kultti project started by Cultural        development. It proposes actions for ensuring that the
   Director Marja Widenius was to assemble the people           new inhabitants of Rovaniemi are included equally in
   working with immigrants in the cultural sector
   in Rovaniemi into a co-operative network, start

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