Page 7 - Alvar_Aallon_arkkitehtuuria_Rovaniemella_esite_inEnglish
P. 7


     Hallituskatu 7, 1961; 1984–1988

      The Town Hall provides the finishing touches to
      the administrative and cultural centre. The building was
      designed according to Aalto’s plans after his death and
      completed under the direction of Elissa Aalto, who then
      took charge of the Alvar Aalto office. The building complex
      consists of various wings dominated by a massive council
      chamber that takes the form of a sculpted tower. The rest of
      the complex, mainly comprising office accommodation, is
      an entirely subordinate three-storey oblong building.

           The most remarkable rooms include the council
      chamber, the Executive Board conference room, the office
      of the Executive Board Chairman, and the Mayor’s office.
      The furniture and light fittings were partly designed by Alvar
      Aalto’s office and partly supplied by Artek.

                                                                      HUGO ALVAR HENRIK AALTO

                                                                      1898 	     born at Kuortane on February 3rd
                                                                      1916 	     matriculation from Jyväskylä Classical Lyceum
                                                                      1921 	     diploma of architecture at the Institute of
                                                                                 Technology, Helsinki
                                                                      1923–27 	  private architectural office in Jyväskylä
                                                                                 (from 1924 in collaboration with Aino Aalto)
                                                                      1924 	     married to Aino Marsio (died in 1949)
                                                                      1927–33 	  private architectural office in Turku
                                                                      1933– 	    private architectural office in Helsinki
                                                                      1943–58 	  Chairman of the Association of Finnish
                                                                      1946–48 	  Professor of the Massachusetts Institute of
                                                                                 Technology, Cambridge, USA
                                                                      1952 	     married to Elsa (Elissa) Mäkiniemi (died in
                                                                      1955– 	    Member of the Finnish Academy
                                                                      1963–68 	  President of the Finnish Academy
                                                                      1976 	     died in Helsinki on May 11th
                                                                      1994 	     Aalto´s architectural practice closes down since
                                                                                 Elissa Aalto’s death
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