Page 5 - Alvar_Aallon_arkkitehtuuria_Rovaniemella_esite_inEnglish
P. 5

ROVANIEMI       Alvar Aalto planned administrative and cultural centres for
ADMINISTRATIVE  three Finnish towns: Seinäjoki, Rovaniemi and Jyväskylä.
AND CULTURAL    The centre in Rovaniemi already secured its foundation in
CENTRE          1945 when Aalto drew up the Reindeer Antler Plan. The two
                forthcoming buildings were also already envisaged in the first
1961–1988       sketch of the city library dating from 1961.

                    The public buildings are sited in a fan shape on a park-like
                square between two streets. They face the city and overlook
                one another, forming a closed wall-like mass when viewed
                from the back. The administrative and cultural centre of
                Rovaniemi may be viewed as a total work of art, owing to
                the essential presence of furnishings designed by Aalto as
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