Page 3 - Seafarers_Pension_Fund_Corporate_Responsibility_Report_2022_web
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Development of responsibility

Seafarers’ Pension Fund in brief

The Seafarer’s Pension Fund (MEK) is an authorised                 To secure the funding of future pensions, the Fund carries
pension provider that manages statutory earnings-related           out investment activities in a sustainable, responsible and
pension provision for seafarers. The Fund grants and pays          profitable manner. The total value of the investment assets
earnings-related MEL pensions to seafarers. The activities         is approximately 1.41 billion euro (in 2021). The invest-
of the Fund are regulated by the Seafarer’s Pensions Act           ment assets of the Seafarers’ Pension Fund are comprised
(MEL). The Fund was founded in 1956 and is the oldest              of equity investments, real investments and fixed-income
pension insurer in the private sector in Finland. The              investments. In terms of real investments (real estate,
Fund provides security for approximately 7,100 seafarers           forest and infrastructure), the aim is to achieve carbon
insured under MEL insurance. The Fund has approxi-                 neutrality by the year 2030.
mately 7,900 pension recipients and pays 163.7 million
euro in pensions each year. Logistically, Finland is an               The disability risk management services of the Seafar-
island and about 85% of Finland’s imports and exports              ers’ Pension Fund support our shipowner customers as
are transported by sea. Thus, navigation plays an excep-           employers in their work ability management and help
tionally significant role in Finland’s national economy.           seafarers to maintain their individual work ability.

   The purpose of the investment activities of the Seafar-            The Pension Fund’s offices are located in a property
                                                                   owned by the Fund, at the address Kanavaranta 9,
ers’ Pension Fund is to secure the payment of pensions             Helsinki. In 2021, the Seafarers’ Pension Fund employed
                                                                   an average of 24 people.
for persons insured by the Fund now and in the future.

• Customers	                                      2022	 2021 • Investment activities	                                  2022	 2021

Insured	                                          7,086 	 5,709    Assets (million EUR)	                               1,359 	1,411
Shipping companies	                                   33 	 31
Payroll (million EUR)	                                             Return on investments, % 	                            -1.7 	16.2
Pension recipients	                               261.5	211.0                                                          -23.2 	201.2
                                                  7,910 	 8,001    Ncuertreinnctovmaleuoefsi(nmveilslitomneEnUtRs)a	t
                                                                   C(mosiltlsiofnorEiUnRv)e	stment activities           -2,8	 -2,3

• Key figures for profit and loss account                          • Pension liability and Solvency

Insurance contributions (million EUR)             29.8 	 24.0      (Bmalilalniocne EshUeRe)	t technical provisions     1,076 	1,057
• Employers 	                                     19.9 	 16.0      Technical provisions (million EUR)	                   721 	 728
• Employees 	
Lcoiambiplietnysdaitsitornibsu(mtioilnlion EUR)	  41.9 	32.7       Solvency capital (million EUR)	                     650	 688
State’s share (million EUR)	                      58.7 	57.1
                                                                   Solvency ratio, % 	                                 190.1 	 194.4

Paid pensions (million EUR)	                      -166.8 	 -163.7  Solvency position (z score)	                        3.4 	3.2
Management costs (million EUR)                      -3.9 	 -3.5

excl. costs for investment activities	

Reliability                                       Our values are                                 Co-operation

              Our strategic objective is to act in a responsible, cost-effective and productive manner.
                                                                                                    Seafarers’ Pension Fund Corporate Responsibility Report 2022 3
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