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are Your On-Water Experiences with                                                 Nyt veneesi
 ends                                                                               tiedot kulkevat
                                                                                    aina mukana
  er Q shares your trips with the mobile app. After a sundrenched day on the        ja voit nauttia
 er, you can revisit your route, share it with friends and explore trip data since  veneilystä
  er Q transmits all this to your app. You can also add photos you have taken       päivittäin joko
  share them on social media - directly through the app.                            vesillä tai kotona.

vailable for Everyone

  Buster Q, the Buster App enhances your boating experience - intuitively and
ply. This user-friendly and smart app brings a new dimension to boating. All

   boating related data and experiences stay with you at all times, and you can
  y your marine lifestyle daily; at home, at work or on the water.

 ur Ever-Present Boating Tutorial

h the built-in video tutorials and instructions, you can familiarize yourself with
 features of your boat and how to properly use it. The Buster App includes
 ul tips in boat handling, maintenance and winter storage. The app also allows
  to dry practice mariners knots, boat handling in port and trailering while at
  e. The app also includes intuitive and easy to understand instructions for using
  er Q as well as the owner’s manuals for boat and engine alike.
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