Page 3 - EN-Symptom-Survey_lores
P. 3

The symptom
mapping process

Genano’s indoor air expert visits the site and       An information event is arranged in connection
investigates the possible causes of problems with    with the equipment delivery to instruct in use of the
indoor air quality with the customer.                equipment.
After the investigation, the customer receives a     After approximately 4–6 weeks, employees are
report with recommended actions.                     invited to participate in another survey, and the
To map the current situation, employees are invited  results are compared with the first survey.
to complete the first symptom survey.                The number or placement of devices is modified
Based on the situation analysis, we select the most  when necessary until the desired results are
suitable equipment, calculate the appropriate        achieved and the customer is satisfied with the
number of devices and prepare a placement plan.      results.
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