Page 4 - EN-Elixair_HVAC-wholesellers-lores
P. 4

Removes ultrafine particles

                                                                  The quality of indoor air has a significant effect
                                                                 on health and wellbeing. The capability of Elixair
                                                              channel filters to remove even the smallest particles
                                                              from indoor air is superior compared to mechanical

                                                                                  and electrostatic filters.
                                                                When attached to the air intake channel of the air
                                                                conditioner, Elixair channel filters guarantee ultra

                                                                                       clean indoor air.
                                                             Good indoor air is essential, especially for people with

                                                                allergies and asthma, making a channel filter one
                                                               of the most important purchases in a home where

                                                                   wellbeing is number one. The purification of
                                                                indoor air is complemented by a ceiling-mounted

                                                                                      Elixair air purifier.
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